Utilities for arranging flex and grid items.
Using j-content-[*]
, you can control how flex and grid items are positioned along the main axis of a container.
Using j-items-[*]
, you can control how grid items are aligned along their inline axis.
Using j-self-[*]
, you can control how an individual grid item is aligned along its inline axis.
Using j-content-[*]
, you can control how rows are positioned in flex and grid containers.
Using a-items-[*]
, you can control how grid or flex items are aligned along their cross axis.
Using a-self-[*]
, you can control how an individual grid or flex item is aligned along its cross axis.
Using p-content-[*]
, you can control how content are justified and aligned.
Using p-items-[*]
, you can control how items are justified and aligned.
Using p-self-[*]
, you can control how an individual item is justified and aligned.
Using order-[*]
, you can control the order of grid and flex items.