Utilities for colors.
Mojo provides pre-defined colors with limitless tints and shades that can be utilized for every CSS color property. learn more in Color System
Here's a list of predefined values that work for all color utilities:
value | css |
current | [property-color]: currentColor |
inherit | [property-color]: inherit |
initial | [property-color]: initial |
transparent | [property-color]: transparent |
Using bg-c-[*]
or bg-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the color of an element's background.
Using bg-c-[*][alpha]
, you can control the alpha channel (transparency)
of an element's background color. The alpha value should fall within a range of 1 to 100.
Using text-c-[*]
or text-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the color of an element's text.
Using text-c-[*][alpha]
, you can control the alpha channel (transparency) of an element's text color. The alpha value should fall within a range of 1 to 100.
Using border-c-[*]
or border-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the color of an element's border.
Using border-c-[*][alpha]
, you can control the alpha channel (transparency) of an element's border color. The alpha value should fall within a range of 1 to 100.
Using border-[side]-c-[*]
, you can set the border color for one side of an element.
Using outline-c-[*]
or outline-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the color of an element's border.
Using outline-c-[*][alpha]
, you can control the alpha channel (transparency) of an element's outline color. The alpha value should fall within a range of 1 to 100.
Using shadow-c-[*]
or shadow-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the color of an element's box-shadow.
Using shadow-c-[*][alpha]
, you can control the alpha channel (transparency) of an element's shadow color. The alpha value should fall within a range of 1 to 100.
Using fill-c-[*]
or fill-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the fill color of an SVG.
Using fill-c-[*][alpha]
, you can control the alpha channel (transparency) of an SVG's fill color. The alpha value should fall within a range of 1 to 100.
Using stroke-c-[*]
or stroke-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the stroke color of an SVG.
Using stroke-c-[*][alpha]
, you can control the alpha channel (transparency) of an SVG's stroke color. The alpha value should fall within a range of 1 to 100.
Using accent-c-[*]
or accent-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the accent color of an element's box-shadow. This utility enables developers to customize the look of elements like checkboxes and radio groups by replacing the browser's default color.
Using accent-c-[*][alpha]
, you can control the alpha channel (transparency) of an element's accent color. The alpha value should fall within a range of 1 to 100.
Using caret-c-[*]
or caret-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the color of text input cursor.
Using caret-c-[*][alpha]
, you can control the alpha channel (transparency) of an input's text input cursor color. The alpha value should fall within a range of 1 to 100.
Using placeholder-c-[*]
or placeholder-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the text color of an input's placeholder.
Using placeholder-c-[*][alpha]
, you can control the alpha channel (transparency) of an input's placeholder text color. The alpha value should fall within a range of 1 to 100.
In order to give an element a gradient background color, it is necessary to begin with the bg-gradient
utility before proceeding to the color stops utilities.
<div class="-- bg-gradient ** ...">
<!-- ... -->
Then, you must specify both the start and end color stops. Adding of a middle color stop is up to you.
<div class="bg-gradient -- start-c-blue ** mid-c-red -- end-c-green **">
<!-- ... -->
Using start-c-[*]
or start-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the gradient's starting color stop.
Using mid-c-[*]
or mid-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the gradient's middle color stop.
Using end-c-[*]
or end-c-[*]:[shade|tint]
, you can control the gradient's ending color stop.
Using gd-dir-[*]
, you can change the direction of gradient.
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