
Utilities for display property.

Using d-[*], you can control display box type of an element.


Placed within a paragraph, a tiny orange span element resides.

Placed within a paragraph, a tiny orange span element resides.

Placed within a paragraph, a tiny orange span element resides.

Placed within a paragraph, an inline flex box


Placed within a paragraph, an inline grid box


Here's list of available utilites for display:

d-nonedisplay: none;
d-inlinedisplay: inline;
d-blockdisplay: block;
d-inline-blockdisplay: inline-block;
d-flexdisplay: flex;
d-inline-flexdisplay: inline-flex;
d-griddisplay: grid;
d-inline-griddisplay: inline-grid;
d-tabledisplay: table;
d-inline-tabledisplay: inline-table;
d-table-captiondisplay: table-caption;
d-table-celldisplay: table-cell;
d-table-columndisplay: table-column;
d-table-column-groupdisplay: table-column-group;
d-table-footer-groupdisplay: table-footer-group;
d-table-header-groupdisplay: table-header-group;
d-table-row-groupdisplay: table-row-group;
d-table-rowdisplay: table-row;
d-flow-rootdisplay: flow-root;
d-contentsdisplay: contents;
d-list-itemdisplay: list-item;
d-nonedisplay: none;